I am prepared to lose. I am prepared for the pain and anguish that goes along with falling short. I am prepared to look back and have regrets. But, with
There are those who live by a set of other people’s rules and expectations and there are those who decide that this world is their canvas and that they alone
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GY4H3P2974A I ask this one question to myself daily and it has really helped me see life in a new light. This is my take on why I think so
https://youtu.be/UPJ9z4UBs3w A few years ago, I met a man named Chris Patterson who is now my mentor and great friend. My life has dramatically changed for the better since the
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily. -Zig Ziglar This may seem like a funny comparison(motivation and bathing), but
https://youtu.be/tt4T3Afb0NY We all have different things that make us “tick,” what inspires one person may not necessarily move the next. We have to find out what motivates and inspires us